Final Fantasy XV, originally known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII, is the fifteenth installment in the main Final Fantasy series. While regarded as another installment of the Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy series alongside the Final Fantasy XIIIand Final Fantasy Type-0 games, it has no physical connections to the rest of the project, and will feature a wholly independent story and a unique visual design. It is currently under development for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is yet to have a release date, but director Hajime Tabata would like to see a simultaneous worldwide release.[3][4]
Final Fantasy Versus XIII was announced at E3 2006 alongsideFinal Fantasy XIII. Final Fantasy Versus XIII was originally developed with the Crystal Tools engine for the PlayStation 3, but it was announced in December 2011 the game had been moved to a game-specific engine for the gameplay mechanics with the lighting being done by the Luminous Engine and the Crystal Tools still doing the real-time graphics.[5] At E3 2013, the game was revealed to have been rebranded as Final Fantasy XV for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
The story centers around Noctis Lucis Caelum, Crown Prince and protector of Lucis, the last remaining kingdom in the world with control over crystals. The game's focus is to examine the characters' humanity and distinguish it from the fantasy setting in other titles in the series. It was originally said the game would take around 40 hours to complete, excluding other content,[6][7] but in an interview in January 2015 director Hajime Tabata said that due to the ever-increasing content of the game it seems less and less likely players would be able to clear the game in that time
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